Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book

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Reviews on Gut Insight

John Kerner, MD, Professor of Pediatrics-Gastroenterology, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital/Stanford University

As a physician board certified in gastroenterology and nutrition, I found Gut Insight to be an extremely well referenced resource on probiotics and prebiotics for both the general public and health professionals. The authors have produced a unique and valuable book on digestive health that I can confidently recommend to both my patients and my colleagues.

J.M Saavedra, MD (Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Nestlé Nutrition North America) reviews Gut Insight in ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition Link

This book is dedicated to Mother Nature "who is minding the microbes." Easy and comprehesible read. ... the first four chapters are an accurate introduction to the concepts and areas of benefit associated with these functional diet components.

Los Altos Town Crier: Advice from the gut on digestive disorders
Nancy Dickenson, Head Librarian at Stanford Health Library

"...Hattner and Anderes have written a book that is easy to follow and full of practical, simple suggestions to improve one’s diet and health, based on scientifically sound principles. They provide tips on shopping, food preparation and kitchen safety. In addition to thorough discussions of probiotics and prebiotics, the authors advocate a plant-based diet and explain the value of these functional foods. The final chapter of the book discusses the use of probiotics and prebiotics through the various stages of life, from newborn to senior....

David Grotto, RD LDN
Author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life and 101 Optimal Life Foods

Brava to Jo Ann Hattner and Susan Anderes for assembling a wonderfully complete, concise and authoritative guide to the world of gut health! Here the reader can finally gain a thorough understanding of the world of pro- and prebiotics and appreciate why they can’t live without them. I especially love Hattner’s real-life case examples of patients who have benefited from her years of wisdom. The inclusion of product examples along with some simple and tasty recipes really makes this guide useful to both consumer and health professional, alike. Get ready to dig into a great and fun read that offers lifestyle recommendations that are easy to digest (pun intended!).

Online cookbook gives comprehensive gut check by Chris Rosenbloom for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"...Digestive health is such a hot topic that the dairy aisle is bursting with new yogurts, drinks and smoothies claiming to improve your health. Though there is a lot of interest in gut health, where do you ask a question and how can you sort it all out? Hattner, a registered dietitian and nutritionist for Stanford University, has compiled the essential consumer guide on probiotics and prebiotics for wellness....

Ann Coulston, MS, RD, FADA, Nutrition Consultant

I read through Gut Insight this afternoon. It reads very well. I particularly found useful the boxed inserts: the glossary terms located specifically throughout the book keep the reader on track and improve understanding, use of the boxes to summarize key concepts also helped to bring home the take-away messages. I like the flow of the book through to shopping, storage, menu and recipe ideas. This allows the reader to internalize/conceptualize the material.

Ashini Srivastava, Community Physician and School Health Counselor

I found this book extremely informative and engaging. The updated scientific knowledge about prebiotics and probiotics has been extensively researched and is well presented. The lucid writing style will appeal to consumers who are often unsure about purchasing new products from the shelves of supermarkets and specialty food stores.

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