Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book


Jo Ann Hattner,


Curriculum Vitae

Public Speaking


AEProbio Interview


Susan Anderes MLIS


Jo Ann Hattner, MPH RDN — The Author

Jo Ann Tatum Hattner is on the front lines of nutrition and health and explores beyond traditional boundaries to bring solidly based but innovative solutions to people who consult her in her nutrition practice in San Francisco. Jo Ann has the answers and she is anxious to share them in a simple, useful format.

Her interest in the somewhat misunderstood, but scientifically solid field of probiotics originated while practicing nutrition with some of the top gastroenterologists and nutritionists in the world at Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto, California.

Hattner believes the public is ready to learn about probiotics and prebiotics now that more and more products are entering the American market and savvy consumers are desperate to know what works and what doesn't. Put simply, people want to know what is scientifically valid, safe and effective to put in their bodies. She has served as an investigator in clinical research trials on probiotics, prebiotics.

She received an undergraduate Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Idaho, a graduate degree from the University of California at Berkeley in Public Health. She has Registered Dietitian credentials and over thirty years experience practicing nutrition in the dynamic environment of the San Francisco Bay area. She taught medical students at Stanford University School of Medicine where she developed online content and cases for medical students and presented materials in the classroom. She has been a regular guest speaker at national professional meetings of dietitians, physicians, and other professionals.

Jo Ann is a co-author of Help! My Underwear is Shrinking: One woman's story of how to eat right, lose weight, and win the battle against diabetes (Amazon) with Ann Coulston, MS RDN and E. Michael Goodkind, BA. This book was re-issued with revisions in 2013.

For more information about her, see Jo Ann Hattner's CV or the list of Jo Ann Hattner's Public Speaking Topics.


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