Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book







Stool Gazing

Transit time



A substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit. Source Gibson


Live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Source Hill


The microbiome is the community of microorganisms (such as fungi, bacteria and viruses) that exists in a particular environment. In humans, the term is often used to describe the microorganisms that live in or on a particular part of the body, such as the skin or gastrointestinal tract.


The microbiota comprises all living members forming the microbiome, including bacteria, archaea, lower and higher eukaryotes, and viruses. Berg 2020

Fructooligosaccharide (FOS)

A naturally occurring fructan sugar which acts like a fiber, passing undigested to the large intestine where it is extensively fermented by colonic bacteria.

Galactooligosaccharide (GOS)

Non-digestible oligosaccharides produced by lactose fermentation.


A natural prebiotic fiber used in commercial foods. It is a food source extracted primarily from chicory root rather than a manufactured ingredient.


“a mixture comprising live microorganisms and substrate(s) selectively utilized by host microorganisms that confers a health benefit on the host”. Source Swanson

Human Milk Oligosaccharides HMOs

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are a family of structurally diverse unconjugated glycans that are highly abundant in and unique to human milk. Source Bode


Bacteria and other microorganisms that inhabit an area, (e.g., the intestinal tract).

Bowel transit time

The amount of time it takes for ingested food to travel through your GI tract and pass out as stool.


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