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Stool Gazing

Transit time

Transit Time

We have recently seen articles about gastrointestinal (GI) transit time. Here is some background on GI transit time and why it is important. Transit time refers to how long it takes for the food to move from the mouth to the end of the intestine (anus).

What is Normal?

The National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus information portal: The bowel transit time varies, even in the same person. • The average transit time … in someone who is not constipated is 30 to 40 hours. Source

There is not a lot of research on transit time in healthy adults. There are plenty of articles on constipation or diarrhea in adults and children related to specific diseases.

Why should you care about transit time?

If you are completely emptying your bowels every day or two with ease and consistency, that is a sign of good gut health. At any age, the lengthier the transit time, the more fluid is extracted, often causing hard stools. Long transit times can often be shortened by increasing fiber and fluids.

As you age, transit time can slow due to a less diverse gut microbiome. Constipation can become a problem. You can mitigate this by emphasizing a diet with vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Prebiotic foods with non-digestible fermentable fibers (link to pre foods list) are a beneficial addition to your diet. In addition, ingesting adequate fluids and being physically active enhances transit time. If these changes do not alleviate constipation, you should see your health care professional.

Causes for Concern

If your bowel habits change — constipation, diarrhea, bloating, or pain — the change might be a cause for concern. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health, lists the tests that might be used to evaluate bowel transit times. Link


Background ScienceDaily. Food’s transit time through body is a key factor in digestive health. June 27, 2016. Link

Stool Gazing Link

Constipation | MedlinePlus Link

Irritable Bowel Syndrome | IBS | MedlinePlus Link

Colorectal cancer: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Link



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